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Architectural Motion on Glass

This is a Projector Motion Graphic on a piece of Glass wall.
A series of words relating to rtkl's culture and practice that form a journey with end the result. The words, form a line, form a wall, form a building. The end shots being an architectural form, the planes of which feature stills, loops and video relating to the culture and practice.

moto 新款手机视频

中国移动通信 gps 广告创意

“gps, 让生活更加轻松”

中国移动通信 通话包月周服务。


Please click:http://www.theolinstudio.com/#/intro

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Hamlet in 95 Box

“Hamlet in 95 Boxes” applies Hamlet as an armature for exploring universal experiences. This project is to archive an interaction with viewers and enable them to apprehend the symbolic meaning from animated characters’ reactions based on people’s reactions toward various situations.

Logo design

A logo / mark design for a Chinese famous fashion line "White Collar".
I am applying the letters W and C as key elements to illuminate a typographic shape of a clothing hanger or a female collar part, which represent the whole essence of this female fashion company.

Motion graphical introduaction for the opening of
GD MFA Exhibition, 2008